GüD Vibes Podcast

Episode Six: Verb The Noun

Chris, Dean, TJ and El Presidente Jorge Antonio Becerra Season 1 Episode 6

Join us this week as we catch up with good friend Cameron Woolf bassist with the band Erstwhile. He takes us on a journey that spans most of three decades in the Dallas music scene. From his start with Edgewater, at end of the 90's all the way to the winter of 2014 where he and his bandmates formed in Commerce Texas. Plenty of our favorites to round out the show including the second installment from our "secret stash of the Snyder Cut" Batman parody and the second round of GüD Voice!! Also fight island recap, Mavs taking over socail media in Orlando and so much more!!

Support the band!!- https://erstwhileband.com/album/erstwhile

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